At All Access Now, we’ll be providing a number of services, from information about your community, Programs, Legal help, Shelters and steps to get out of Homelessness and maintain a better way of living. All you have to do is make the first step and we’ll provide all access now.

Who We Are

We’re dedicated to helping people with mental illness get the respect they deserve, while maintaining a strong connection with the rest of the community. We’re doing this by providing information to the low income individuals from the streets, to the shelters and the ones that have their own place. We’ll continue to help people maintain a better way of living and also help with legal matters for FREE. There’s a lot of issues that’s affecting the community that we need to address and one of the issue we are tackling is the lack of homeless shelters that solely deal with the mentally challenged. This will get them off the streets and get them the help they need. Right now they’re grouped together with the other residents and their special needs are not always delt with appropriately. Giving them back their rights and humanity is a big goal for us and with your help this can be done.

Head below for more info.

To help the low income community and the organizations that help them.

To provide the community with information and services to achieve and maintain a better way of living.

At All Access Now, we believe in everyone giving respect and dignity to each other. We’re anti-oppression, anti-discrimination and provide service excellence.

Mental Health 1st

Mental Health 1st is a program that helps to improve the lives of people dealing with mental illness. We will be implementing new policies, adding new shelters in the homeless system that solely deals with mental illness and providing legal services that is greatly needed in that space.


Our shelters will be a facility that will provide all services needed to care for the mentally challenged. The staff will be fully trained to take care of the residents and deal with situations that may arise. Great amount of care and funding are required in order to reach this goal, but we’re up to the task.